360 PRP Facial Charlotte: Long-Lasting, Younger-Looking Skin

360 PRP Facial

360 PRP Facial

Golden Separator

The Ultimate Collagen Stimulator! Stimulates new growth factors in your skin Improving aging skin, acne scars, large pores.

Urban Medspa & Weight Loss Center brings you another signature multilevel treatment. We combine the Exilis radiofrequency treatment with Microneedling and PRP therapy, which together stimulate collagen and repair damaged skin.

Combining radiofrequency, micro-needling with platelet-rich plasma, a patient can get a much more enhanced result. Platelet-rich plasma is harvested from the patient’s own blood and restored into the skin tissue during the micro-needling procedure. The result is much faster healing and better collagen growth, creating a richer, smoother, glowing look to your skin.

This 360-degree treatment is perfect for:

We recommend 3- sessions each spaced 4-6 weeks apart

FAQ’s About 360 PRP Facial:

What to Expect

Your makeup will be removed and prior to your first treatment a before picture will be taken. You first start with your Exilis radiofrequency treatment, this takes approx 20-30 minutes, either the neck and eyes can be treated or the cheek and mouth area, or even the stomach. The exilis is not uncomfortable or painful. After the Exilis treatment, a topical numbing cream will be applied to your face. At this time one of our medical assistants will draw a small amount of your blood. Blood is drawn in our office as though you are having a routine blood test. It is then spun in a centrifuge and the PRP is separated and removed from the rest of the blood.

You should be well hydrated (drink lots of water) prior to your visit to maximize the amount of plasma we can yield from your blood draw. After the numbing cream has remained on your skin 25 or more minutes, we will begin the microneedling with PRP therapy treatment. This treatment is can cause a mild amount of discomfort but is usually well tolerated. After the treatment, you can expect to be slightly red for 1-2 days and become dry. Makeup can be applied after 24 hours. Skin will Glow in 5-10 days. Collagen continues to be produced for up to 6 months after treatment.


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Golden Separator

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