Cosmetic Injectables

Urban MedSpa offers a range of cosmetic injectables, including Botox in Charlotte, North Carolina, to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines. These minimally invasive treatments are a perfect alternative to more extensive anti-aging surgical procedures. Dermal fillers also minimize the risks of scarring and complications associated with facelifts. Feel refreshed and rejuvenated with Urban MedSpa’s exceptional cosmetic injectable options!
- Frown lines between the eyebrows
- Fine lines around the eyes
- Forehead wrinkles
- Elevated brow
- Wrinkles around the mouth
- Lower face wrinkles
Fine lines come from good times! Smiling and laughing are often the happy cause of fine lines, wrinkles, and creases on your face. Embrace your joy, knowing that various options to relax the appearance of facial lines are available. Wrinkle relaxers are a great alternative to more invasive procedures like facelifts. Administered by injection, wrinkle relaxers work their magic just below the skin’s surface to relax the repeated muscle activity that creates dynamic wrinkles. To best determine which wrinkle relaxers are best for you, our expert cosmetic injectors will create a plan that best suits your budget and lifestyle to achieve your aesthetic goals.
Quick and essentially painless, wrinkle relaxers can be used to treat:
- Frown lines between the eyebrows
- Wrinkles Around The Mouth
- Fine Lines Around The Eyes
- Lower Face Wrinkles
- Forehead Wrinkles
- Elevated Brow
Still seeking a safer alternative to achieving a natural-looking, youthful appearance? Look no further!
Also known as dermal fillers, cosmetic injectables reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines. Minimally invasive and easily maintained, cosmetic injectables are the perfect alternative to more serious, anti-ageing surgical procedures. Dermal fillers similarly minimize the risks of scarring and complications that can result from facelifts. Feel refreshed and rejuvenated with any of Urban MedSpa’s excellent cosmetic injectable options!
- Frown lines between the eyebrows
- Fine lines around the eyes
- Forehead wrinkles
- Elevated brow
- Wrinkles around the mouth
- Lower face wrinkles
Like BOTOX, Dysport uses botulinum type A to relax wrinkle-causing muscles and prevent the creation of new fine lines. While both dermal fillers are extremely effective options, one treatment may better suit your specific aesthetic goals. For example, Dysport better treats crow’s feet but requires more units than Botox. Additionally, Dysport spreads to a wider area in a slightly faster time frame. In terms of longevity, Dysport and BOTOX both last around three to four months and require regular maintenance for long-term results.
No downtime, stitches, or stress! Look as young as you feel by easily smoothing fine lines and wrinkles with quick and comfortable injections.
Typically, results can be seen within three to five days following the initial injections and last about four months. However, some patients notice smoother skin in just 24 hours.
While uncommon, sometimes small bumps or mild discoloration can form under the skin due to an allergic reaction to the dermal filler.

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